Every new medium looks to what has come before for guidance. Web design has taken cues from centuries of typography and graphic design. Web development has borrowed metaphors and ideas from the world of architecture. Let's take a tour of some of the most influential ideas from architecture that have crossed over into the web, from pattern languages to responsive design.
Together we'll uncover how to build resilient, performant, accessible and beautiful structures that work with the grain of the materials of the web.
Sausage rolls from The croque shop and drinks will be provided.
there will be vegan and veggie options
This event has already occurred.
68 Middle Street
Accessibility information:
Wheelchair ramp available to access the building. Wheelchair accessible toilet.
18:30: Arrival, chatting and sausage rolls 😋 19:00: First Talk 19:30: refreshment break 19:45: Second Talk