
Here you can find a list of the 3270 volunteers who have coached at codebar.

If you’d like to start coaching at a workshop in person or virtually, read our teaching guide and then join us as a coach. It’s easier than you think!

Gordon Blackadder (He)

I am a machine learning data scientist at ASOS producing fashion recommendation models in python with TensorFlow. Previously I programmed in C++ for a software company and did a PhD principally using python.

Skills: python data science machine learning pandas scikit-learn c++ c TensorFlow

Gary Siu (they/them)

A Rubyist and JS programmer currently specialising in front-end development. West London Coders co-organiser.

Skills: javascript ruby html css

Piotr Zielinski

I'd like to share my 20+ years of coding experience and get people enthusiastic about the possibilities programming has to offer.

Skills: c# SQL javascript html css python php ruby PowerShell AWS software architecture

Denis Sazonov

Python developer, digital forensic specialist, based in Brighton.

Skills: python Flask django Linux html css

Matt Lubel

I am a fullstack javascript developer who loves learning new technologies and helping other enthusiastic coders on the road to building cool things!

Skills: javascript node.js python

Helen Root (she/they)

I work as a freelance full-stack web developer for a state start-up in the French governmental incubator When I'm not at my computer I do theatre and near-constantly listen to music/podcasts. Can chat to you in English, français and русский.

Skills: javascript html css python

Kelvin Gan

I'm a dev Chinese dad of two wonderful girls, so codebar is a strong cause for me. I miss running my Code Club since starting work at GOV.UK. Helping others to learn to code is an awesome thing I want to do more of!

Kornelia Frey (she/her)

Software Developer at CoachHub, alumni of ThoughtWorks. As I studied at Makers and also finished two Code First: Girls coding courses I am aware of the challenges that most new starters might face and here to help and explain as clearly as possible. :)

Skills: html css TDD JS React node GraphQL REST Jest Express Enzyme FlexBox css-grid TypeScript Git Nest.JS

Caro Appleby (she/her)

Clojure developer by day, Python hacker by night

Skills: python clojure devops/linux JS etc (beginner only)

Ioannis Latousakis

Coach; Python, DBs, Java, React, Go

Skills: python java React c# SQL Go

Luke Twyman

I've been a freelance developer & designer for 10 years, I focus on creative coding projects involving visuals, audio, interactive experiences & data visualisation. I enjoy teaching people creative skills so figured I'd try this!

Upul Dissanayaka (he/him/his)

I graduated from CodeClan. I work as a software developer at WhisperClaims.

Skills: javascript ruby

Chris Oatley

I am a Makers Academy graduate currently working for Datanauts in Brighton. Would like to become a coach to pass on some of the knowledge I've learned and help create some new coders!

Aron Carroll

Based in Brighton, UK and mostly working as a frontend developer have helped out in the past with Async (Brighton) and CoderDojo (Berlin).

Skills: html css javascript

Neil Lyons

I can help students with python, bash, html, css, elm

Skills: python bash html css Elm


I'm a front end dev but my goal is to become a full stack developer, I'd like to learn more backend languages

Daniel Gillespie (he/his)

I am a Web Developer for the Edinburgh University Business School. I co-organise the Edinburgh codebar chapter.

Skills: javascript node.js React html css wordpress Drupal

Ross Hill

I'm a former student of CodeClan now working as a web developer. I'd like to help out others who are starting out and share some of my experience along the way.

Skills: css javascript Drupal sass Git API

Deniss Starevics

Software engineer / cloud developer. Interested in coaching others and giving back to community

Skills: python version control HTML/CSS javascript SQL AWS Cloud devops

Kate Preston

I'm a junior software developer working in Edinburgh

Tim Stamp (he)

Security Architect & Full Stack Engineer. Coding for 15 years.

Skills: php javascript c Linux html css Security bash python cryptography

Steve Honeyman

I’m a front-end developer and designer with a passion for web standards, layout, typography and graphics. I believe that anyone and everyone should be able to code and that building sites should be easy and fun.

Thomas Threadgold (he/him)

I'm primarily a frontend web developer, working daily with HTML, CSS, JS, Node and git. In the past I have also worked with PHP and SQL. I enjoy learning and sharing knowledge. As a passionate developer, I want to help others discover this awesome field!

Skills: html css javascript React node php Git

Jack Lewin (he/him)

Software Engineer (Web) at Deliveroo

Skills: javascript React wordpress html css Git node.js

Ali Sabzevari

I am a javascript and kotlin developer with more than 10 years of experience. I would like to share my knowledge and learn in a safe and friendly environment.

Bryce H (he/him)

Self-taught web dev with an expanding skill set.

Skills: c nodejs JS [ES6] sass wordpress Git

Mathilde Pind (she/her)

I'm learning JavaScript, CSS and HTML at the moment. I would like to improve my web design skills.

Erica Salvaneschi (it/its)

Front End Engineer at Ticketmaster UK

Skills: javascript Git command line html css

Cosku Cinkilic

I would like to mentor new comers and learn from everyone. I am coming form a architecture background ( building architect ), I was working on algorithmic model, using environmental data to shape the architecture and build small robots.

Eduardo Bautista

I'm a software engineer from Mexico, currently immersed in the JS ecosystem here at Berlin! 😋. I've always found the taste for sharing knowledge from both sides of the pipe (teaching and learning)!! And I've found that teaching you always learn more 💪.

Skills: JS ecosystem!

Dominic Coelho (he/him)

Graduate of the awesome Founders & Coders bootcamp. Currently working as a software engineer at Formidable. Previously at Ticketmaster. Most keen to help people with React or vanilla JS projects and learning CSS and HTML!

Skills: javascript React html css node React Native Vanilla JS

Chris Owen (he, him)

Programmer and Northener. Android Developer and Co-Founder of @SocialHackersCodeSchool.

Skills: java Android javascript html css kotlin Git

Kevin Ansfield (he)

I have 15 years experience in the web development industry as a full-stack developer across many different programming languages, frameworks, and technologies. My current focus is predominately JavaScript based web technologies.

Skills: javascript html css ruby rails node Ember

Pedro Tavares

Animation, performance, accesibility, interactivity, WebGL

Michael Josephson (he/him)

Developer based in Manchester, happy to try to help at any events.

Ara Hayrabedian

In a previous life I was an Android/Blackberry dev, but these days I'm a backend software engineer, currently with OLX in Berlin.

Skills: python Git docker

Alexander Keliris (he/him/his)

Fullstack developer - last two years focused mostly on Javascript: React, React Native, Redux, GraphQL, Apollo, Node. Very interested in functional programming: Haskell, ReasonML, Elm, Elixir. Happy to work on pretty much anything!

Skills: javascript rust ReasonML React React Native Haskell GraphQL SQL (Postgres) nodejs

Sean Li (he/him)

Berlin. Working as a software developer using mainly React Native and TypeScript. Most confident in Front End related technologies and languages.

Bert Overduin

Hi! I'm a wet lab biologist turned bioinformatician and recent CodeClan graduate (E19). Currently working as a Data Engineer at Aridhia. I enjoy helping people taking their first programming steps and I ♥ Python.

Skills: ruby java SQL python HTML/CSS

Gregor Weber (He)

Coding for around 9 years, mostly as a web developer. Currently working for Mozilla.

Skills: javascript python ruby java c# clojure SQL React Redux php rails

Euan Ramsay (he/him)

I completed the CodeClan course in Edinburgh in January 2017 and since then have been working at Registers of Scotland as a software developer, mainly in JS and Java. I am looking for opportunities to collaborate and teach coding.

Skills: javascript React java Git Unix Command Line

Hugh Cole-Baker (he/him)

I'm a Site Reliability Engineer at, I work on projects in Python and SQL and in the past I've written things in Rust, Java and many years ago a game for Nintendo DS in C++.

Skills: python SQL Amazon Web Services java Linux devops rust Cloud

Raihan Kibria (he/his)

I'm a professional developer and was wondering if I can help others learn programming.

Skills: c++ python javascript

Emily Oliver (she/her)

Picking fun projects to learn 2 codeee

Skills: html css javascript React

Michelle Steele (She/her)

Dotnet / JS / Ruby full stack developer at Avalara.

Skills: TDD Git javascript HTML/CSS ruby React Dotnet/C#

Monica Calderaro (She/Her)

I am a career changer, I don't know much but I would want to be part of codebar 'cause starting one thing that helped me the most was knowing I was not alone, it can be very scary at the beginning. we learn the most through teaching/helping others.

Skills: javascript Git html java

Niall Coleman-Clarke (he/him)

Contract | Software Engineer | Full Stack Web Developer | Love to program and explore areas in computer science as a hobby

Skills: Lua python javascript TypeScript html css Scala java GLSL PostgreSQL MySql udp TCP/IP sockets django Flask nodejs

Chun-Kit Chan (he)

Hi, I'm a graduate software developer at BBC. I enjoy working with both frontend and backend technologies. I believe in a diverse community and would like to help out in anyway I can.

Skills: php javascript html css React.js

Joby Harding (he / him)

I'm a freelance full-stack developer in Brighton UK and I 💜 building web apps.

Skills: javascript php React laravel TypeScript TailwindCSS

Cassie Evans

Developer at clearleft. Previous design/motion graphics experience. codebar Brighton Organiser

Skills: html css a11y GSAP web animation svg Jamstack 11ty Vue JS

Thomas Ankcorn (he/him)

Puppo dad, coffee snob, foodie.

Skills: javascript TDD AWS python node.js devops

Ben Parsons

Currently a Partner Engineer at Facebook. Developer for 10+ years. Mostly web, front-end/backend, some Android.

Mina Gyimah (she/her)

Software engineer at Pusher. Learnt to code and changed career 3.5 years ago (and once a Codebar student!), now I share my knowledge with others who want to learn.

Skills: javascript node.js html css Git React golang

Julian Cook (he/him)

Self taught software developer since 2011 who loves learning and making other coders lives easier.

Skills: java javascript docker TypeScript AWS

Craig Anderson (he/him)

I'm a self-employed web developer specialising in Python and Django looking to do his bit to bring more balance to the tech industry.

Skills: python django web

Arunan Balasubramaniam (He/him)

I have always enjoyed helping others who have a drive but lack resources to meet their potential. And 20 years in tech has not been very diverse - hooray to encouraging all.

Skills: java c python

Rachel Evans (She/Her)

I've been a software engineer for over 20 years. I currently work at the BBC, using Java, Ruby, Linux, and Amazon Web Services to build the system that handles all of the audio and video for iPlayer. I'd love to be able to help give back to the community!

Huong Nguyen

I started my coding journey with codebar in 2017 as a student. A year later, I've found my dream job as a frontend engineer at Quantumblack. Now I'm joining codebar as a coach and hope that I can help other people with their learning journey

Skills: html css javascript React

Robin Newton (he/him)

I'm a software engineer in Cambridge. I've worked with C, C++, Java, Python and a smattering of Javascript and Perl.

Skills: python c c++ java

Nimrod Teich (he)

Senior software developer from Israel, living and working in Barcelona at the moment.

Essi Jukkala (she/her/they)

I have a M.Sc. (Tech) from Aalto University in Game Design and Production. Currently I am employed full-time at Supercell as a game programmer. In addition to game development I am interested in computer graphics and computer networks.

Skills: c c++ Git Linux unity Swift iOS clojure c# Xcode

Andy Trevorah

I'm a developer at where I make web things all day.

Madeleine Linder

I taught myself to code using online resources, going to meet-ups (eg codebar) and completing short courses. (eg Code First: Girls). I'm currently working as a junior developer at Made by Many, and want to help others learn to code.

Andrew Suffield (they)

I'm an SRE at Goldman Sachs in London, and I believe in the value of a broader, more diverse industry. I try to help out with efforts to improve this when I can.

Conor Cussell (Mr)

Front end developer mainly working with HTML, CSS, React, GraphQL

Skills: javascript html css node GraphQL

Gabriel Hernandez (he)

I'd like to help others learn and progress in their programming journeys. I've done some work before with introducing programming to people and would like to get back to teaching and coaching those who have a desire to learn.

Julia Krüger (she/her)

I am working with Javascript, NodeJS, Hapi.js, CouchDB at my Job. As part of the Orga and Coaches Team of Nodeschool Berlin, I'd love to help out with all the javascripty things and also deepen my own knowledge.

Skills: javascript nodejs CouchDB React Hapi.js

Kristie Yorkston (she/her/they/them)

Currently a full-stack engineer at Fanduel and CodeClan graduate.

Skills: python java javascript React AWS html css

Mark Woodbridge

I'm the co-founder of a tech startup but also help out with a voluntary one-on-one numeracy/literacy project. Keen to help anyone who's interested in empowering themselves via technology!

Skills: python javascript HTML/CSS

Raquel Moss (she/her)

I've been a Ruby and JavaScript dev for three years. I previously taught English. I have mentored at RailsGirls and similar events.

Blaise Wielk (he)

Temporarily unavailable

Sagar Patil (He/Him/His)

This is my first time teaching in a public setting. I have close to 8 years of working with Web technologies, both front-end and backend (HTML, JS, CSS, Python, beginner Elixir). I'm really passionate about learning and teaching is a great way to learn.

Skills: html css JS React nodejs React Native Flutter Elm Elixir python

Frederic Marx

I am a web designer and front-end developer who loves CSS

Calum Ryan (he/his)

I'm a qualified IAAP accessibility specialist working at dxw with over ten years industry experience in web development. I care about user experience design and making the web a much nicer, accessible place for everyone.

Skills: html css javascript VueJs a11y

Dean Hetherington (he/him)

I'm a full time software developer (primarily Javascript), done a bit of teaching as a uni module and really enjoyed it. Find that teaching helps myself as much as others. You can't really teach something until you fully understand it yourself.

Robert Tyree (he)

Most experienced in vanilla JavaScript, with a few React projects under my belt. I'd be happy to help with HTML5, CSS/Sass or jQuery too! I've taught English to international university students, so I'm quite comfortable guiding learners.

Evelyn Utterson (she/her)

I'm a Software Developer and Digital Coach based in Edinburgh. I'm interested in helping others get started and progress their careers in tech.

Skills: ruby Ruby on Rails javascript ReactJS css HTML5

Andrew Beveridge (he/him)

Engineering manager with a long history in software development (mostly web tech, a few apps), now Head of SRE at Cloudreach - happy to help in any way I can with technical or non-technical advice / mentoring!

Patrick Pilgrim (He)

I love helping others and explaining code helps me solidify everything I'm learning.

Skills: javascript html css Responsive Website Development React php ruby rails

Displaying coaches 81-160 of 702 in total