Here you can find a list of the 3348 volunteers who have coached at codebar.
If you’d like to start coaching at a workshop in person or virtually, read our teaching guide and then join us as a coach. It’s easier than you think!
I work as a developer at PSPDFKit GmbH., doing a mix of development (primarily on PSPDFKit Server, written in Elixir), training and sales/customer support. I love coaching and spent a couple of years as a coach at Codebar.
Skills: backend Elixir Erlang web docker
Ruby On Rails Developer. Always taking from the community, so I want to give something back too. Loves helping people and showing them what can be done with technology. Enjoys meeting new people and discussing programming. London lover.
I am software developer. My goal is to become the best software developer I can and to work with interesting people
I'm a software engineer working for Pivotal Labs. I love mentoring and helping people achieve their goals. Don't be afraid to ask me anything.
Software engineer, mostly Ruby and Javascript. I am interested in making technology more diverse. Don't be afraid to ask me anything :-)
Im passionate developer with more than 7 years of experience. Started as PHP developer and recently switched to Ruby.
Passionate about Internet and social networks – as well as good food just like every Italian – I've over 10 years of experience with HTML, JavaScript and PHP.
JavaScript & Ruby engineer. Ask me anything!
Skills: ruby javascript html CSS / SCSS SQL MySql Git rails
I'm an experienced Ruby & Rails developer looking to help out / share some of my skills as a coach.
I'm a Ruby developer with around seven years of experience building web applications. I'd like to take any opportunity I can to pass on my skills (be they as they are) to anyone who wants to learn and hope I can do so through codebar.
Web/front-end developer for 14 years. Recently started with Ruby. Currently working at Nature Publishing Group, and in the past have worked for the BBC, the Daily Telegraph and a few startups.
Lead API Developer at 7digital. Reads fantasy & sci-fi. Learning European Portuguese & how to play Cello. Software Gardener.
I'm a full stack web dev, with a Java/python/C background, and I'm now a big fan of javascript. I'm also really into helping people learn to code so I'm involved with a few organisations that are helping make that happen :)
I'm an engineer at Twitter, working on the front-end of TweetDeck. I'm into Node, Flight and anything else I can get my hands on.
Web dev with 5 years commercial experience. I moved to London from Lithuania 3 years ago. Skills: HTML, CSS, Javascript & JQuery, PHP, MySQL.
Web developer, daydreamer and all around happy person.Interested in all things internet and how it's reshaping our culture and society.
Displaying 32 coaches