
Here you can find a list of the 3348 volunteers who have coached at codebar.

If you’d like to start coaching at a workshop in person or virtually, read our teaching guide and then join us as a coach. It’s easier than you think!

Claudio Ortolina (he/him)

I work as a developer at PSPDFKit GmbH., doing a mix of development (primarily on PSPDFKit Server, written in Elixir), training and sales/customer support. I love coaching and spent a couple of years as a coach at Codebar.

Skills: backend Elixir Erlang web docker

Leo Cassarani

Developer at Geckoboard

Swathi Kantharaja

Product Manager. Former Ruby Developer.

Raul Gracia

Ruby On Rails Developer. Always taking from the community, so I want to give something back too. Loves helping people and showing them what can be done with technology. Enjoys meeting new people and discussing programming. London lover.

John Small

Rails coder and tester at the BBC

Samir Talwar (he/him, they/them)

I take things apart, and sometimes I even put them back together.

Pablo Vicente

I am software developer. My goal is to become the best software developer I can and to work with interesting people

Jeff Taggart

I'm a software engineer working for Pivotal Labs. I love mentoring and helping people achieve their goals. Don't be afraid to ask me anything.

Camille Baldock

Software engineer, mostly Ruby and Javascript. I am interested in making technology more diverse. Don't be afraid to ask me anything :-)

Lukas Maciulis

Im passionate developer with more than 7 years of experience. Started as PHP developer and recently switched to Ruby.

Davide Cassenti

Passionate about Internet and social networks – as well as good food just like every Italian – I've over 10 years of experience with HTML, JavaScript and PHP.

Sam Phillips (he/him)

JavaScript & Ruby engineer. Ask me anything!

Skills: ruby javascript html CSS / SCSS SQL MySql Git rails

George Sheppard

I'm an experienced Ruby & Rails developer looking to help out / share some of my skills as a coach.

Najaf Ali

I'm a Ruby developer with around seven years of experience building web applications. I'd like to take any opportunity I can to pass on my skills (be they as they are) to anyone who wants to learn and hope I can do so through codebar.

Matt Button

Tallish chap. I sing cheesy 80s songs, and I'm terrible with names.

Laura Porter

Web/front-end developer for 14 years. Recently started with Ruby. Currently working at Nature Publishing Group, and in the past have worked for the BBC, the Daily Telegraph and a few startups.

Adigo Atabo

Full stack Ruby on Rails web development, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SAML

Masha Cernivec


Skills: javascript ruby html css

Fraser Deans

UI/UX Designer at Shutl

Matt Gradidge

Developer at Reevoo

Phyo Wai Win

A software developer working at Shutl

Frederick Cheung

CTO at dressipi

Iulia Raluca Ionita

Ruby on Rails Developer @EXPLOVIA by day and Co-Founder @bitcharest by night

Chris O'Dell

Lead API Developer at 7digital. Reads fantasy & sci-fi. Learning European Portuguese & how to play Cello. Software Gardener.

Vikki Read

I'm a full stack web dev, with a Java/python/C background, and I'm now a big fan of javascript. I'm also really into helping people learn to code so I'm involved with a few organisations that are helping make that happen :)

Daniele Polencic

Lead Front-end Developer

Volker Pacher

Senior developer at shutl

JB Steadman

I work in London for Pivotal Labs.

Tom Ashworth

I'm an engineer at Twitter, working on the front-end of TweetDeck. I'm into Node, Flight and anything else I can get my hands on.

Oz Huner

I'm a ruby developer

Lisa Potapova

Web dev with 5 years commercial experience. I moved to London from Lithuania 3 years ago. Skills: HTML, CSS, Javascript & JQuery, PHP, MySQL.

Javier Ramirez

Web developer, daydreamer and all around happy person.Interested in all things internet and how it's reshaping our culture and society.

Displaying 32 coaches