Here you can find a list of the 3321 volunteers who have coached at codebar.
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I'm a Senior Software Engineer ad Gousto and I'm happy in helping others in general :) I'm a full stack developer for a few years now, and I'm comfortable on several programming languages, frameworks, methodologies... More than glad to share.
Skills: Go ruby python React Vue Angular AWS nodejs javascript TDD SQL
I'd like to help get people from knowing very little (or nothing) about programming to the point where they are comfortable enough to start working on small projects of their own. - In my own experience , that is the most important hurdle to get over.
Skills: Linux MySql google cloud python javascript Flask
I studied Telecommunications Engineering, but I've been working on Software Development for 2 years. I started learning JavaScript and Node.js, mainly on Frontend. Last year, I started to learn C# and .Net on Backend apps. I'd like to keep growing here.
I strive to make the web more inclusive and a safe place for everyone! If we want to inspire positive change in the world, we need to take action - learning to code is a great way to take control of our experiences with technology and the web.
Skills: web development javascript TypeScript HTML/CSS Linux Commandline some 3D graphics with Three.js React
I'd be happy to contribute to reduce disparities in access to tech. I have experience working with data with Python, R, and SQL, and as an academic tutor. I am a queer emigrant working in tech, passionate about language, self-taught coder.
Skills: python R SQL data science statistics
I'm a software developer with 10 years experience, looking to offer some assistance to others who would like to move into the profession.
I am a developer. I have worked on, PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript and learning Drupal 8 these days.
I have a masters and PhD in computer science, as well as several years experience in academic research and software engineering. I miss the teaching aspect of academia, so would love to get involved in some coaching in my spare time.
Skills: c++ python
I have just Graduated from Codeclan and love the idea of teaching others and encouraging them to take up a career in tech. It's never too late!
Skills: java ruby javascript MongoDB postgres html css
Hi! I'm a software engineer at a small e-commerce startup. Would love to share my knowledge of web development. I've worked with JS, Rails and some mobile development.
Skills: rails ruby design javascript html css ES6 terminal
Been a software developer, manager and architect with ADP since 1997 and hoping to get involved in some coaching.
Skills: html css JS c# php SQL
Software Developer at CoachHub, alumni of ThoughtWorks. As I studied at Makers and also finished two Code First: Girls coding courses I am aware of the challenges that most new starters might face and here to help and explain as clearly as possible. :)
Skills: html css TDD JS React node GraphQL REST Jest Express Enzyme FlexBox css-grid TypeScript Git Nest.JS
I've done server side development with Java, C++, C#, Python and PHP. I've done clientside development with Javascript. I have done relational database design primarily using MySQL, and basic Linux command line. And source control using Git.
I'm a Java developer principally, I know some python and (limited) javascript. I also know Haskell and FP concepts. I could help out with Git, Java, basics of Python.
I've worked as a tutor and volunteered on web support forums, and I enjoy explaining coding and writing docs. With a workshop coming up at my workplace, it was time to sign up! I've worked on the web for 15yrs, and I'm comfortable with js/css/html/php/...
I've been teaching 500+ people to learn programming in Uni Turku, Aalto University, Rails Girls, Django Girls, Boost Summer of Programming, mehackit, codebar and Koodimentori courses/workshops. I currently work as a developer advocate at Futurice.
Skills: python ruby javascript Vue SQL bash Git frontend backend html css React Redux
A software engineer with a keen interest in machine learning, AI, data engineering and scientific computing. With experience in full-stack development, I'd be happy to help others become confident developers and pursue a career in tech.
Skills: css html javascript python Linux c++
I've been writing code, designing websites and building things since I was 13 years old. I like helping others and sharing my knowledge to help others better their skills, and achieve their goals.
I'm a software engineer/mentor/team lead at Rocketmakers (Bath) and have been coding professionally for 5 years. I'd love to help coach any of Typescript, Javascript, React, HTML, CSS/SASS, C#, and programming principles/best practise.
I got into web development later in the "game", having spent 6 years as a video producer in humanitarian settings before. Programming is something I am way more comfortable with! I love to help others find that click as they learn their trade.
Skills: React javascript node heroku Git serverless python ruby rails netlify Gatsby
Java, HTML/CSS, Golang . Work in fraud detection :)
Skills: java HTML/CSS golang
I changed career to coding a few years ago and have since been working as a Javascript, Node full-stack developer.
Skills: React node html css javascript
I am a Junior Software Developer at TVSquared and was previously a CodeClan student. I'd like to give back to an organisation who really helped me get into my career
Skills: html css python javascript
I want to help people with HTML/CSS/JS - I've done some teaching before! Also happy with Vue, Node.js, Serverless and Git.
Skills: html css javascript nodejs Express VueJs serverless netlify Git github
As a student of Codeclan about to graduate and go into the field of the industry, i enjoy the opportunity in helping others. I have come from a management background in customer services and MI analyst, therefore comfortable talking and guiding others.
Skills: ruby java javascript vue.js React html css
Fullstack developer, I was going to study Math but then I discovered coding, so I've been doing it for the past 15 years.
Skills: .NET SQL React c# node.js AWS TypeScript javascript
I graduated from CodeClan. I work as a software developer at WhisperClaims.
Skills: javascript ruby
Happiest when I'm coding, reading, or being active outdoors. Core tech stack includes React/Redux, Node/Express, and SQL/noSQL databases. My best work manifests when I'm working to expand the cause of a mission-driven company.
Skills: javascript React ruby rails MongoDB Mongoose GraphQL node
I've worked as an academic scientist and as a scientist / software engineer / data scientist in industry. At codebar I'd like to help people feel empowered to chase after software roles outside of web/fullstack.
Skills: python Perl php java c bioinformatics gis robotics data science html SQL javascript
I develop in Java, JavaScript, Typescript and Ruby. I've been a professional developer for over 6 years now, and enjoy teaching others what I've learnt so far.
Skills: javascript ruby TypeScript java
Front end dev with 15+ years experience, having begun as a LAMP developer. Despite many recruitment initiatives our industry is still male-dominated, this needs to change. I am also a qualified workplace trainer and Scrum Master.
Skills: html css JS React php MySql wordpress jQuery TypeScript
Web development
Skills: React Redux node.js html css javascript PostgreSQL Sequelize OOP Linux bash AWS Virtualizing Cisco systems.
Hi! I'm Ricardo, I'm a software engineer working now with web technologies, particularly with Angular, but also with javascript & python. I would like to return a little bit what I was given from the community.
Skills: Angular TypeScript javascript python
I'm mainly interested in working on HTML, CSS and Javascript but am however always led away by work and family commitments. I'm now dedicating more of my time to learning the languages as a part of me attempting to shift into programming.
I'm enthusiastic about teaching others to code. To this end I run a website ( that teaches software engineering from the ground up. I'd like to try and teach others in person.
I've been a professional developer for around ten years working in a variety of languages. I'm interested in helping promote diversity of all kinds in tech.
Skills: c# python java php SQL
I am a software engineer with 10 years of experience. I would like to help students with anything related to web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
I'm a software developer specialising in frontend development. I have done React for web, React Native for mobile, am a TypeScript enthusiast, and I have too many opinions about project management :D
Skills: javascript TypeScript React React Native
I've done a bit of everything from low-level network protocols in C to React.js front-end work. Right now I'm doing full-stack development with Python on the back-end and a React front-end. My strongest expertise is in Python.
Skills: python c++ rust React
I would love to help out with the front end side of codebar, helping to nurture underrepresented talent and eventually coach my own workshops. It would mean a lot to help others going through the same thing that I went through!
Skills: javascript html css scss ruby Ruby on Rails React HTML5
Software Engineer working in tech for good
Skills: javascript React node.js Git html css
I have done multiple python projects in the past and am happy to help out with anything python related
Skills: python Flask Webscraping backend Databases
I'm a self taught developer whose had the benefit of some great mentors and some great collaborative learning. I'm most excited about FP (Scala all day at my job, Elm/Purescript/Haskell when I can).
I work as a frontend developer. I feel best in JavaScript, React, HTML and CSS. I also have some knowledge of backend technology. In the past I organized couple of workshops and mentored colleagues.
Skills: javascript React html css nodejs
Looking for opportunities to help new engineers learn to code!
Skills: html css JS
I learned how to program at the Recurse Center, then somehow was part of the tech industry. Now I'm at Windmill building tools to make development easier and more transparent. I want to help others get as excited about code and problem solving as I am!
Skills: python Go golang javascript JS SQL Git writing docker kubernetes
I'm looking to help host some Codebars at our office for CtM in London. I'd also like to participate as a coach possibly in others! My background is .net development but even though I don't really get much time to program I'm still passionate for it!
Skills: .NET agile management javascript
I’ve loved programming ever since I was a preteen, starting with robotics, game programming, and eventually becoming a software engineer. I love sharing my craft with anyone who is interested.
Skills: .NET c# ruby SQL javascript C/C++ php
DevOps Engineer in Edinburgh
Skills: python java AWS gcp Azure html IaC Ci/CD terraform css Git ruby
I've been learning to code about a year, new to Brighton, hopefully I can help people out with the basics of html, css & javascript.
Skills: html css JS node Express
I enjoy helping students in solving problems and using the right techniques.
Skills: nodejs html css React javascript/typescript testing
Learning and practicing JS, HTML, CSS. Coworking with other developers, exchanging experience and knowledge, tutor less experience coding newbies.
I've been interested in education throughout my life. At university I tutored a programming course (intro to Haskell), I worked (and am still working) on a few edtech side-projects. I'd love to help others learn programming.
Skills: html css JS React Firebase
I can help with the elastic stack. I also love automating tasks, integrating systems, and any cloud related technologies.
Interested in a volunteer position for codebar workshops in Barcelona. I am currently working as a frontend developer here in Barcelona. The skills I can offer to teach are html, css, javascript and git.
I changed careers in 2016 after going to Makers to learn to be a software engineer. I previously worked in cybersecurity, and I was a librarian before that! I worked at a mental health startup and I am now a software crafter at 8th Light.
Skills: python ruby
Heard of this via a work colleague and happy to help out. Dabbled in various languages and used mainly C, bash, Python professionally, taught classes at universities/research centres and participated in Django Girls workshops in the past.
I was an instructor at Galvanize for about 2 years, also taught at NYIT. More information at
Skills: html css JS
I'm a passionate Software Engineer with experience mostly in backend technologies and little bit of Docker too.
I'm a Software Engineer for Netsuite, have been working as a developer for 6 years now and I believe that making people comfortable in whatever environment they're in is one of the most important aspects of social interactions as human beings.
I work as a freelance full-stack web developer for a state start-up in the French governmental incubator When I'm not at my computer I do theatre and near-constantly listen to music/podcasts. Can chat to you in English, français and русский.
Skills: javascript html css python
Displaying coaches 321-400 of 669 in total