
Here you can find a list of the 3321 volunteers who have coached at codebar.

If you’d like to start coaching at a workshop in person or virtually, read our teaching guide and then join us as a coach. It’s easier than you think!

Marc Mignonsin

Passionate about learning, training and knowledge sharing in general. Currently principal software engineer and vibes manager in Softonic in Barcelona.

Skills: web technologies node.js javascript html css sass docker Unit Testing

Hayley Prior

I'm a full stack ruby developer at Castlight Financial. My main experience has been in ruby (ruby on rails), html, css and javascript but also c#, dot net and react. I'd like to help out as a coach and hopefully learn a little as well.

Skills: ruby html css javascript React

James Miller (He/Him)

I spent 6 years working in application support before moving over to Business Intelligence development 3 years a go. My background is mainly SQL server and SSIS as well as a little HTML (only formatting not web pages) , Python and vbScript.

Skills: SQL SSIS python

Timo Laak (he/him)

Hello! I'm a frontend engineer working in fintech. I switched to tech from education when I was in my late 20's. I want to contribute in getting more people from underrepresented groups to have a career in tech, thus making the whole industry more diverse

Skills: javascript TypeScript css sass PostCSS ux React Redux Angular Vue

Paul Ferguson

Help build peoples confidence in frontend languages and skills, something I been working with for many years.

John Whiles (they)

I recently graduated from Founders and Coders and now work as a software developer as Just Giving. I enjoy mentoring and want to give back to the community

Edgar Dewsbery (He)

Graduate and mentor at Founders & Coders. I'm currently working as a frontend developer at Laka.

Skills: html javascript Git CSS (+ SCSS Styled-Components) React react-native node

Charles Umemoto (he/his/they)

Help people learn coding. I'm specialized in analytics, reporting, database. Mostly python and SQL.

Deepa Madheswaran (she)

I'm a front end developer with experience in HTML, CSS, Angular JS and vue.js.

Skills: html css angular JS vue.js javascript

Sarah Barber

I'm a java web developer right now with 6 years of professional experience. I also have another 2 years of basic IT training experience, when I trained teachers in a college to use technology to enhance their learning. I want to improve diversity.

Skills: java html javascript python arduino css

Laura Nagy (she)

I'm a recent graduate of Digital Media and Information Studies, interested in developing my knowledge and skills in code.

Andrew Craigie (he/his/him)

Amateur coder moving into a career as a developer. Some experience in Javascript, Python, PHP, C#. Main projects I'd like to work on - js app to convert MIDI files to note strips for music boxes, Inkscape plugin to convert SVG to GCode for 3D printing

Carter Cole

i want to help with houston chapter goco is starting

Angelika Kachur (She)

Frontend Developer

Skills: html css javascript

Róbert Papp

6+ years of Android, lots of Java/Web before; currently at Trainline. I've actively contributed to Glide (Android image lib) for 3 years & dealt with user questions/issues. Personal projects:

Skills: Android java html css kotlin javascript c# regex c c++ Git node.js

Andrew Godley (He)

Would like to help in React, Swift and Python but will help out where i can. Started programming in my robotics degree and have been employed as a software engineer for 4 months now.

Jamie Webb (He/him)

Software developer at The Guardian.

Skills: javascript html css React python

Braden Schiller

React/JavaScript Developer

edward mccaughan

I'd like to help out with coaching! Can teach ruby/rails, javascript, arduino, plus a few others

Manon Jacquin

I am about to finish Flatiron School in London, an immersive fullstack web development course. I've built apps using JavaScript and React for the frontend, and Rails for the backend. I am also using Git and GitHub on a daily basis.

John Flockton (he/him)

I'm a front end developer with 5+ years experience, working mostly with ES6+ JavaScript, TypeScript, React/Redux, HTML and CSS. Big proponent of pair programming and mentoring. Keen to help others to improve their skills!

Skills: TypeScript javascript html css React Redux

Bryce H (he/him)

Self-taught web dev with an expanding skill set.

Skills: c nodejs JS [ES6] sass wordpress Git

Linh Nguyen My

Learn how to design beautiful interactive websites. Recently have undertaken a CodeFirst:Girls course in Advanced Ruby which took place at level39 in Canary Wharf over 8 week period. Having finished now, I would like to further develop my Ruby skills.

Pete West (he/him)

I've been coaching with codebar for several years. I've also taught at a Code First Girls course. I've coached at free workshop and hack day events for 4 years.

Skills: JS python php ruby html css

Rael Garcia Arnes (he/him)

David introduced me to the project and I would like to help in any way I can. I'm a member of the Kubenetes project, organizer of the Cloud Native Barcelona meetup and SRE at CAPSiDE working with Azure, Google Cloud and AWS.

Skills: Cloud kubernetes docker Ansible Infrastructure as Code python bash some JavaScript/TypeScript CSS and Go.

Romy Viflic (She/Her)

Basic site building

John Stevenson

Clojure developer. Helps run ClojureBridge London events

Skills: clojure googling

Alec Hill (he/him)

Heading up front-end engineering at a mobile-first bank, with over 15 years front-end / full-stack experience, and still the learning never stops!

Skills: TypeScript javascript React React Native nodejs Webpack css Git REST TDD BDD java Scala Functional OO Redux Microservices

Michael Williamson

I've been working as a software developer since 2010, and I'd like to opportunity to help out others interested in coding and try to improve the diversity of the community.

Jason Wang

Ruby on Rails, Javascript, Entrepreneurship

Dan Kim

Hi! I'm a software engineer at a small e-commerce startup. Would love to share my knowledge of web development. I've worked with JS, Rails and some mobile development.

Skills: rails ruby design javascript html css ES6 terminal

Ewen Cluley (he/him)

Java Developer at Brandwatch, also comfortable with C#, Javascript, Unity, React, other bits and bobs.

Skills: java c# javascript unity React html css

Carl Anderson

I'm a full-stack dev working in PHP + JavaScript on a big and cumbersome CMS. I write a blog to help people understand some of the more confusing points of JavaScript. I know way too much CSS.

Skills: javascript css php Angular Git

Alex Hutchings (he/him)

Junior Software Engineer, currently work with C# and Javascript, and I have experience with Ruby. Looking to help others on their coding journey.

Tom Loake (he/him)

Full Stack Engineer at The Ambassadors Theatre Group. Keen to talk and learn about Node and Front End. Excited to see people get in to the industry :D

Skills: html sass css Javscript ESNext ES2015 ES6 Web Components nodejs React

Angelina Blyth Blyth (she)

A former student of CodeClan, now a JS developer.

Skills: java javascript html css ruby AWS

Kristie Yorkston (she/her/they/them)

Currently a full-stack engineer at Fanduel and CodeClan graduate.

Skills: python java javascript React AWS html css

Nicole Yip

Dabbled in many backend languages, most notably Node.js, with a bit of Go and Python as well. Currently working in the DevOps and Cloud Infrastructure as code space and want to encourage more people into tech.

Skills: nodejs devops AWS Infrastructure as Code Security

Jamie Cruickshank (They/them)

I would like to teach Python at the Bristol codebar. In the past I worked as a maths tutor for two years and have worked as a C++/CUDA/Python programmer since 2017. Also, I play banjo and have a dog called Dax.

Skills: c++ python CUDA

Emma Foley

I'm a software engineer at FiveAI in Bristol, working mostly in C++ and a little Python. I also have some experience teaching HTML, CSS and JavaScript at CodeFirst Girls, which I really enjoyed

Chris Vibert

Love ReactJS, HTML and CSS are ok too.

Matthew Beck (him)

HTML, CSS, JS, PHP. I run a small web agency in Brighton and have a lot of experience with the above technologies.

David Torres (He/him)

I'm a Front-End Software Engineer. I'm from Spain, where I studied Computer Science and when I finished, after working a year there I decided to come to London to learn some English and work in better places. I've been living here since 2012

Skills: React (not too much exp. with hooks) Redux JS html css jQuery Git

Melania Sanchez Blanco (she)

I work as a software developer and my coding experience is focus on Java. I love learning and of the best way of doing this is also sharing your knowledge to build your abilities.

Joshua Dodd (he/him)

I teach full stack curriculum at Georgia Tech and would love to continue to offer my help in any way possible... Codebar would be a great opportunity to do so!

Skills: html css javascript Swift nodejs MySql python Git React

Sean Preston (he/him)

I work at primarily as a backend developer using Python. In the past I've also done full stack work with Javascript.

Amalie Smidth (She)

Learning from peers, expand network and develop find someone to develop my app idea with!

Lucas Petti

I am a web developer from Brazil currently living in Berlin. I used to teach piano as a volunteer and now I decided to work at Codebar because I believe programming is really useful and it would be a great way to share what I've learned.

Aleix Vergés (he/his/they)

I would like to help other people to learn how to code. I've been working for many years as developer in different companies. Mainly as PHP developer but also in Python, Javascript, Java and others

Mariam Saeedi (she/her)

Junior Developer

Skills: html css

Stuart Cherry

Work as a developer at ADP/BMS in Peterborough

Skills: c# T-SQL

Javi S Planelles (He)

Front end developer.

Tom Heyes (he/him)

I'm happy to tinker with pretty much any tech. I've done some coaching before and found it really fun so I'd like to do some more. :) I've been a software dev for 5 and a bit years working on a wide variety of things and I love it.

Ricky Tonini

Python, JavaScript. Scala dabbler.

Laszlo Papp

Senior Software Engineer

Skills: c c++ python Go java javascript ruby Shell Unix

Matt Oates

I've worked as an academic scientist and as a scientist / software engineer / data scientist in industry. At codebar I'd like to help people feel empowered to chase after software roles outside of web/fullstack.

Skills: python Perl php java c bioinformatics gis robotics data science html SQL javascript

Brittany LaGambina (she/her)

Currently working as a developer for Pirate Studios.

Skills: html css javascript ReactJS

Karl Xu (He)

I'm a DevOps Engineer. Wanna know Codebar learning environment a bit.

Julia Biro (She/her)

I started working towards a CS degree, then learnt some HTML, CSS and JS on my own, mostly from free online resources. I’d love to dedicate more time to coding and I'm happy to help with whatever I can along the way :)

Sergio Paredes (he/his/him)

I usually help some students at the polytechnic university. I enjoy teaching people on new technologies.

Gabriel Hernandez (he)

I'd like to help others learn and progress in their programming journeys. I've done some work before with introducing programming to people and would like to get back to teaching and coaching those who have a desire to learn.

Joey Padasian

I am a front-end developer for my own production agency working with advertisers to create great Ad experiences. I work in JavaScript with Greensock a lot and play around with React, Vue, Phaser and THREEjs.

Skills: javascript css HTML5 node animation GSAP

Dani Santos (she/her)

I would like to help with html, css, js, python, git, and command line. I'm a software engineering student at Code University and this is my third year of studies. I currently work as a software engineer intern at Trifacta.

Skills: html css JS python Git SQL postgres

Ricardo Martinez

Hi! I'm Ricardo, I'm a software engineer working now with web technologies, particularly with Angular, but also with javascript & python. I would like to return a little bit what I was given from the community.

Skills: Angular TypeScript javascript python

Martha Nolan (She/her )

Javascript, Node.js, React, CSS

Mikiel Agutu (he)

I'm enthusiastic about teaching others to code. To this end I run a website ( that teaches software engineering from the ground up. I'd like to try and teach others in person.

Rasbin Rijal (he / him)

Software Developer - - @ - - Fellow Bank I would like to share my knowledge on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React JS, GIT, Command Lines and more.

Skills: html css javascript ReactJS Git Command Lines and more

James Bradbury

I've been a software engineer for years but I didn't start loving it until I discovered Python. Coding is a kind of literacy that should be available to everyone. I'd like to become a better teacher, communicator and coder by coaching others.

Marianne Pearson (she)

I currently work at HRMC Digital in Worthing as a Scala developer. I'm looking to get more involved in the tech community and help inspire under-represented groups into a career in tech to show them it's less daunting and more fun than they might realise.

Ben Webb (he/him)

I do Python backend web development for open data projects. I don't do a lot of CSS/javascript day to day, but I'm reasonably familiar with them. I use the linux command line and git a lot. I've started using docker more recently.

Skills: python javascript html Git docker

Tom Renner (he/him)

I develop in Java, JavaScript, Typescript and Ruby. I've been a professional developer for over 6 years now, and enjoy teaching others what I've learnt so far.

Skills: javascript ruby TypeScript java

Filipe Rainho (He/him)

Hi! I've worked at a coding bootcamp as a teacher and it was an amazing experience and according to some feedback I was not bad at it. If I can continue to share what I know and help people from underrepresented minorities will be very rewarding!

Adrin Jalali (he)

machine learning, python, scikit-learn, aif360-learn

Klara 13 (she/her)

Junior developer trying to help out a bit and learning in the process.

Skills: javascript html css vue.js WP React (beginner) sass php

Ian Dickinson (he/him)

I'm a full-stack developer and team lead at Epimorphics. My team focuses on building web applications for data management and data visualisation. I've heard about the great work that Codebar is doing, and am happy to help if I can.

Skills: javascript Vue web development Ruby on Rails Git html css python

Johann Quassowski

I have 3,5 years experience as a Ruby & Python backend dev. Self-taught, coming from a business background originally.

Skills: ruby python Git

Fabrice Reynolds

I am a full stack developer who is currently working on Node and React apps. I have around 20 years experience in programming as well as dev-ops, music and electronics.

Skills: javascript css html SQL React node python

Kieran Denshi

Application designer and programmer.

Skills: javascript ruby python html css nodejs rails

marcus petty

Mainly a front end engineer

Skills: javascript node css a bit of wordpress React

Displaying coaches 401-480 of 1007 in total