
Here you can find a list of the 3270 volunteers who have coached at codebar.

If you’d like to start coaching at a workshop in person or virtually, read our teaching guide and then join us as a coach. It’s easier than you think!

Oliver Mattos

I want to be a coach

Florian Rathgeber (he/him)

I'm leading the team of codebar hosts at Google. Sometimes I also get to coach \o/

Skills: python javascript c c++ Git Linux SQL bash

Madeleine Linder

I taught myself to code using online resources, going to meet-ups (eg codebar) and completing short courses. (eg Code First: Girls). I'm currently working as a junior developer at Made by Many, and want to help others learn to code.

Razvan Spatariu

Various knowledge of frontendy things.

Skills: css JS pre/postprocessors React testing semantic HTML etc.

Ed Kerry (He)

Junior web developer keen to help more people gain these exciting skills!

Daniel Steele (him/he)

Ruby/Rails/HTML/CSS/Javascript Full Stack developer that had recently started his own web development agency and loves helping newbies into the space

Jeremy Stevens

I'm an Android dev at TouchSurgery, working on an app used by surgeons to practice procedures outside the operating theatre! I'm looking to help others get started, and to expand my own knowledge, as there's always more to learn :D

Skills: Android java coaching

Merce Bauza

Full stack developer

Skills: Elm Elixir kotlin javascript java html css

Beverley Newing (they)

Frontend developer at the Ministry of Justice. I focus a lot on accessibility in my role there. I used to run codebar Oxford, and work + volunteer with Code First: Girls, then did 2 dev internships, worked in a consultancy in Oxford, then moved to MOJ!

Skills: accessibility assistive technology html css jQuery javascript

Christien Guy

Dev up at TrustedHousesitters

Skills: html css javascript scss React

Alice Boyd-Leslie

Organiser of codebar Brighton. Developer at Built By Buffalo

Cassie Evans

Developer at clearleft. Previous design/motion graphics experience. codebar Brighton Organiser

Skills: html css a11y GSAP web animation svg Jamstack 11ty Vue JS

Mike Steel (he/him)

Full stack JS + bookbinding

Skills: javascript React ...vue? bookbinding

Paul Wilson (he)

Right, so, I'm signing up as a potential tutor. I've done a bit of tutoring at a RailsGirls and Prewired. Errmm, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Han Fakira (he)

Java developer at Sky Network Services. I am a former maths teacher. Some prior experience in ruby, js and python

Skills: java

Kaitlyn Tierney (she/her)

I'm currently a Software Engineer at Farewill, working primarily with React, TypeScript, and Node.js. I'm also very comfortable with Ruby/Rails projects, having spent the past few years as a Senior Engineer on several different Ruby projects.

Skills: ruby rails html css javascript React

Kit Lam (she/her)

I am a self taught developer who started at codebar and now I am working as a front end react native developer

Gonçalo Morais (he/him)

I can help with front end (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) and full stack (in Ruby on Rails), but I’m happy to pair on other things as well!

Skills: javascript html css ruby

Cristiano Rastelli (He)

Passionate web designer & developer. In love with Atomic Design, Design Systems & CSS architecture. Attendee/speaker/organiser of tech conferences and meetups.

Skills: html css javascript UI Engineering design Sketch web design

Alex Wilson (he/him)

My motivations have changed as I have grown and I am at a point where I want to improve the accessibility of engineering for everybody. The company I joined as an apprentice—in lieu of taking a CS degree—is one of many with a tiring “techbro” monoculture.

Kelvin Gan

I'm a dev Chinese dad of two wonderful girls, so codebar is a strong cause for me. I miss running my Code Club since starting work at GOV.UK. Helping others to learn to code is an awesome thing I want to do more of!

Jennie Dalgren

I'm a junior developer, mainly focused on frontend and right now mobile development in React Native. Ironhack Alumni. I want to improve my backend skills and unit testing. Also, I'm a teacher and would love to help out as a coach as well.

Amy Walters

For the past couple of months I have been working through code camp online but I'd like to learn alongside real people as well. So far just learning the basics of html, css and using bootstrap.

Rachael Robinson (She/her)

A full-stack developer currently working in JavaScript (Vue.js) and Ruby, with a particular interest in education technology.

James Tetley (hooooof)

I would love to teach FE coding standards. I would like to learn more JS (angular / react). I have worked for several company's in the UK, fav Built By Buffalo Brighton. They have all the interns that I used to help teach FE.

Skills: html JS jQuery css scss wordpress oocss acss bem smacss Gulp grunt node Git version control command line

Adam Jack

Hi, I'm a Front End Developer and would like to teach people what I know about HTML, CSS and Javascript and learn some things myself on the way.

Narani van Laarhoven

I'm an engineer at DabApps.

Skills: JS ruby python django React ReactNative

Craig Morton (he/him)

I work at CodeClan as an instructor, taking students from little to no programming knowledge to their first job in 16 weeks. I have experience teaching Ruby, Java and JS, mainly in terms of web dev. We also teach some frameworks at the end of the course.

Astrid Novicky (she)

I'm a self taught programmer and recently started working for Thoughtworks. My favourite languages are Python and JS, but I'm also happy help with Java ;)

Skills: java python

Katie McGinley (she/her)

I'm a frontend developer, so my specialty is javascript/html/css. I am working on learning more about the backend, but I'm not confident enough to teach that side yet.

Tsvetan Nenov

Hi , I'm Tsvetan, I have 10 years of experience working with php and JS . I want to register as a coach in the Barcelona codebar workshops, because I think the industry needs to change and become more equal.

Anita Woodruff (She/her)

I like coaching and want to get better at it. I did a Computer Science & Maths degree as a mature student and since graduating I worked as an Android developer at SwiftKey for 2 years and as a Software Engineer at Google for 4 years. I mainly write Java.

Skills: java Android python javascript html css

Yann Eves (he/him/marquis)

Would love the opportunity to help others, especially those underrepresented, dive into coding. I've little experience in teaching to code, which I hope to gain here, but I've helped community manage at Async Brighton.

Skills: javascript html css node React GraphQL Svelte

Nathan Begbie (He)

I've done Railsbridge and Django Girls and I'm keen to teach something a bit simpler as a way of getting people enthusiastic about the web and code. I'm also keen to be less prescriptive about how people solve their problems.

Kara Stubbs (She/Her)

Like react.

Skills: JS React css Styled Components vim VSCode

Ben Herbert (He)

Front-end / Javascript Developer at Crunch

Skills: html css javascript scss php ReactJS

Danny Matthews (he/him)

Mainly Java developer, other languages also but not as much.

Michelle Lim (she/her)

My background is in Psychology from Cambridge. I work in R, and enjoy applying data science methods to social science - I believe it opens new avenues for research in traditional disciplines. Would love to connect with those of a similar background.

Skills: R data science

Enrico Graziani (he)

I know somebody from my boot camp cohort who is coaching there and want to give some help too

Danesh Madarbakus (he/him)

I am a developer at SKY UK

Alan Carter (he/him)

Developer at Government Digital Service

Skills: java c# Scala SQL full stack web development

Marc Cohen (he)

Hi, I'm Cloud developer advocate at Google. I like programming in Python, Go, and JavaScript. I'm currently most interested in Machine Learning and Cloud Devops but I'm happy to help in any way I can.

Slaiman Ahmdshah (he/him)

I would like to help out people who are new to coding and also keep myself motivated. I am a recent graduate of Makers Academy - a 12 week intensive coding bootcamp. And I have mainly coded with Javascript and Ruby

Natalia Fernández (she/her)

I discovered programming while on a completely different career path, and with many helpful resources (thank you Codebar!) managed to become a software developer. I have been working with Python and Kubernetes and currently I am doing React Native.

Skills: python javascript Git React Native

Michael Gunner (Him)

Front end developer with 4 years experience. I have worked on 100+ websites for small businesses, e-commerce and start ups. I can help you, especially with HTML and CSS/Sass.

Skills: sass html css wordpress javascript Performance

Jack Davies

I attended Founders and Coders in Nazareth, Israel in 2017. Since then I've worked at a couple of startups, working mainly with react and redux, and more recently also GraphQL and Apollo.

Skills: html css javascript React Redux GraphQL Apollo

Nic Fusciardi

Developer at Pragmatic

Matt Davidson (he/him)

I like working in Python and Java.

Tomas Bezdek (me)

Software engineer from the great city of London

Skills: java python Git jenkins devops terraform openstack Linux debian

Sarah Mogin

I got into development a little late myself so am a great example that it's never too late! I went to a bootcamp - App Academy - and have taught/TA-ed at a few RailsBridges. Nowadays I mostly work in JS.

Skills: HTML & CSS javascript ruby command line version control

Sophie Mann (They/She)

Full stack Ruby and React

Sam Dickeson

Current Founders and Coders student. HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Getting there on Node.js...

Jaye Hackett (they)

I work full time as a user researcher. I also do freelance development, building custom Javascript apps, plus Wordpress themes and plugins.

Skills: JS React node/express python wordpress

Raihan Kibria (he/his)

I'm a professional developer and was wondering if I can help others learn programming.

Skills: c++ python javascript

Natalie Seeto (She / Her)

JavaScript and Node.js dev. Founders and Coders alumni. Believes the best way to learn is to mentor :)

Sabrina Wons

I am a Java Web developer. I develop mainly with Java, but also with Javascript, HTML, CSS.

Skills: spring AWS java SQL javascript

David Hyman (he)

I think it would be great to contribute to the community in a meaningful way. I enjoy teaching both basic and advanced coding concepts. I've grown, led and coached development teams. I've held various talks and presentations on Python (~7 years).

Skills: python architecture devops javascript

Ben Stacey

Self-taught Web Developer looking for career change. I enjoy teaching, and get a kick out of problem solving.

Skills: ruby javascript html css

Gilles Kurt


David Halewood (him)

Having been a coach, mentor and educator for over 10 years I have a wealth of experience helping others achieve their goals. With my new found knowledge of best practice coding principles I feel that I can offer a lot to new coders

Ľuboš Michalič (He/Him)

I'd love to be able to mentor those starting on their journey as a programmer, I've gone through a Makers Academy bootcamp earlier in the year, followed by a month long contract work at the V&A and currently due to start as a Software Engineer

Skills: ruby c# PowerShell listening empathy TDD SOLID

Tammy Speed (She/Her)

I'm attending Founders & Coders learning Javascript and NodeJS. I enjoy coding and am really interested in how to improve user experiences particularly improving accessibility on the web. I'm familiar with HTML/CSS/JS - Node/Express

Sergi Marquez (He)

Gay man learning programming by myself :)

Rhys Bowles (He/him/His)

I work at a software company based in Brighton. I have some experience in c#, js, HTML, css, php and git

Dean Chapman (he/his/they)

I'm a developer and architect. I'd like to help someone get some joy from coding and improve my ability to teach at the same time.

Skills: java Scala javascript clojure

Sven Sauleau (he/him)

Sven is a software engineer living in France and mostly working with Golang and JavaScript. OSS enthusiast and one of the persons behind Babel.

Oliver Smart (he, his)

I am a scientific programmer who now develops in Python (but in many other languages in the past). Helping people who want to learn is always fun.

Skills: python data science Jupyter Notebooks git and GitHub/GitLab

Steven Shingler

I'm a software development manager for the Alexa Knowledge Graph team in Cambridge.

Craig Anderson (he/him)

I'm a self-employed web developer specialising in Python and Django looking to do his bit to bring more balance to the tech industry.

Skills: python django web

Katarzyna Dziopa (she)

I work as a software engineer as Android developer. I am eager to help other people and share my knowledge. I took part in one of the workshops as mentor and I have a very good experience from it.

Keith Gunn

Ran my own web development company for 10 years before moving to work in Finance as a developer, currently working at FanDuel as a software engineer

Skills: javascript html css ReactJS java

Szilvi Horvath (she/her)

I'm a junior developer, working mainly on the front end. I'd like to offer some support and pass on my knowledge to people who are starting out on their journey or just want to give coding a try.

Skills: html css javascript

Richard Brown

Professional software engineer with experience across a wide range of technologies from front-end JavaScript to back-end databases (and everything in between).

Vanessa Bower (she)

Founders & Coders grad

Helen Root (she/they)

I work as a freelance full-stack web developer for a state start-up in the French governmental incubator When I'm not at my computer I do theatre and near-constantly listen to music/podcasts. Can chat to you in English, français and русский.

Skills: javascript html css python

Rashiq Zahid

Eduardo Bautista

I'm a software engineer from Mexico, currently immersed in the JS ecosystem here at Berlin! 😋. I've always found the taste for sharing knowledge from both sides of the pipe (teaching and learning)!! And I've found that teaching you always learn more 💪.

Skills: JS ecosystem!

Mohamed Oun (He/Him)

HTML, JavaScript (And ES6+), React, Node.js or Python. Those are mostly the technologies I'm experienced in and can probably teach.

Skills: React javascript node.js html python

Mario C Kataoka (He)

I have worked as a web designer and have a really strong foundation with HTML and CSS but would like to transition to development

Skills: html css javascript

Displaying coaches 561-640 of 1007 in total