
Here you can find a list of the 3270 volunteers who have coached at codebar.

If you’d like to start coaching at a workshop in person or virtually, read our teaching guide and then join us as a coach. It’s easier than you think!

Tomasz Wegrzanowski

I make awesome things for fun.

Skills: everything

Matthew Blewitt (he/him)

Studied philosophy at university, self-taught software engineer, currently working for Heroku, a Salesforce company. I enjoy helping people reach their potential, and giving back to that which has given me so much.

Skills: ruby rails devops terraform PostgreSQL javascript SQL Go

Emmett Walsh (he/him)

I've been a developer for a little while now, after taking a conversion via Makers Academy

Skills: ruby javascript TypeScript devops

Nicky Chorley

Developer at Springer Nature.

Skills: python Linux Git SQL java TDD Scala kotlin

Ben Scott (He/him)

I'm a web developer, currently working at the BBC. Front-end HTML and CSS is my specialty but I'm more than happy working on the back-end using PHP and doing ops work too.

Sam Plews

I'm a developer mainly working with front end stuff. I enjoy explaining things as I learn more in the process.

Skills: html javascript nodejs Git JS React

Richard Westenra (he/him)

I've been doing front-end development since 2009, specialising in interactive data-visualisation and responsive webapps. Originally from New Zealand, but I've been in London since 2011.

Skills: html css javascript Photoshop Git wordpress React d3 accessibility usability

Jo Franchetti

I'm a front end web developer and developer advocate

Skills: html css

Oliver Turner (he/him)

I switched careers to webdev when I was nearly 30. Self-taught, I *wish* something like Codebar had existed back then! Love helping folks to learn, mad keen on JavaScript/Node and CSS.

Skills: html javascript React css sass node

Daniel Ngo

I'm a graphic designer and web developer that enjoys sharing what I know about front-end development, ux design, web typography, preprocesses, techniques and just general workflow productivity.

Skills: html css wordpress email Git shopify javascript vue.js node

Giancarlo Galliani (He)

I started learning how to Code in the beginning of 2016 and realised I loved it. After attending Codebar as a student, I'm eager to contribute as a coach! :)

Skills: React Redux php javascript HTML5 CSS3

Germain Souquet (he/him)

Passionate about the web

Skills: html css javascript React.js Unit Testing Git TypeScript open source & many more

Magnus Henoch (he/him)

I program in Erlang by day, and in Emacs Lisp by night. I look forward to helping people learn more about programming.

Andrew Gray (he)

I'm a full stack developer with data science and system integration tendencies. Also chef and mixicologist. I wrote 6502 assembler on a Commodore Pet in 1980. I feel very old.

Skills: Scala java html SQL javascript kotlin rust Elixir Haskell css Git REST golang progressive-enhancement Do-not-use-React

Andrew Suffield (they)

I'm an SRE at Goldman Sachs in London, and I believe in the value of a broader, more diverse industry. I try to help out with efforts to improve this when I can.

Kevin McCarthy

I'd like to help people learn to code by creating a safe environment. I have experience with coaching and training from my time at Amazon where I was a coach, trainer and Instructional Designer. Currently working as a developer at AND Digital.

Skills: ruby TDD javascript html css Ruby on Rails

Alejandro Garcia Angada

I'm a Frontend engineer coming from Spain. I have worked 4 years at trivago and now I moved to the UK to work in Ticketmaster. Always looking for challenges and love to teach people.

Skills: javascript React Flux Redux Angular Webpack css Tooling HTML5

Alex Roche (he/him)

I'm a Full Stack developer at Akkroo, and have spent the last five years getting my hands dirty in everything from servers and databases to front-end frameworks. I've also got a passion for maths, hashing out problems and fixing things!

Skills: javascript React jQuery css html php

Kristian Hamilton

Front end for a while. Interests include art, sewing and coding

Skills: html javascript css React TDD Redux jQuery creative code and generative art

Jazzy Gasper (She/her)

Coaching. Makers Academy graduate, front end developer.

Skills: html css javascript

Tsvetan Nenov

Hi , I'm Tsvetan, I have 10 years of experience working with php and JS . I want to register as a coach in the Barcelona codebar workshops, because I think the industry needs to change and become more equal.

Clair Griffiths

Started as a student, graduated to coach, the co-organiser of the West London chapter! Currently working as a Ruby Developer at Citizens Advice.

Skills: html css ruby rails

Andy Trevorah

I'm a developer at where I make web things all day.

rocco righi (he/his)

I started coding 2 years ago and after attending Makers Academy I landed a job at the BBC as front end developer. I work with AngularJS and React and Javascript in general. I also have some experience with ruby and ruby on Rails.

Skills: javascript AngularJS React ruby Ruby on Rails

Edgar Ribeiro

I'm Node.js Software Developer

Skills: node.js javascript

Zac Colley (he/him)

interested in making fun stuff and helping people get into and use tech

Skills: css sass JS node React arduino

Andrea Mazzarella (he/him)

Help out in any way I can, possibly as a coach. I am currently studying at Makers Academy, 2 weeks away from graduation :)

KJ D (he/him)

Full-stack developer

Skills: javascript css Git MongoDB django ReactJS Flask nodejs relational databases php rails CMS

Sofia Pohjalainen

Front end developer at Ticketmaster.

Skills: javascript css HTML5 React Redux node.js Hapi.js Express

Margo Urey

Web developer using ruby, rails, javascript, html, css and anything else I can learn

Skills: ruby rails javascript html css TDD vue.js react-native

Alex Addison (he/him/they)

I like coding because it's like an open-ended puzzle. I like working with a broad group of people, I love to support people and mentor them.

Skills: c# javascript general object-oriented code

Jon Kelly (he/him)

I'm a full-stack Javascript developer (also C++ & C#). Currently interested in functional languages and technologies that build resilient web apps (they do exist!). Helping others to learn programming is always fun, and usually teaches me something, too.

Skills: javascript nodejs Angular Elm c++ c# Dbs

Matt Paul

A graduate of Makers Academy, I would like to be able to help some people out who have taken an interest in coding, and solidify my own learning through teaching of others

Daniel Gillespie (he/his)

I am a Web Developer for the Edinburgh University Business School. I co-organise the Edinburgh codebar chapter.

Skills: javascript node.js React html css wordpress Drupal

Jodi Winters (she/her)

Very senior dev in BBC News. I have plenty of experience in a bunch of languages and technologies that no one uses anymore! That's life in the tech industry!

Skills: html css php React Git SQL Unity/C# Love2D JS/node

Dmitri Grabov

Software engineer with abour 10 years experience. Started out as self taught before doing an MSc in Computer Science. Been working in startups the last few years. Main language at the moment is JavaScipt

Danielle Vass

i'm an android developer occasionally writing some webapps. Used to teach kids to code.

Alex Robertson (He/him)

Working as a full stack developer for Creator Ninja in Tokyo. Previous AND Digital in London.

Skills: React React Native Javscript node Express

Claudia Menting (me)

I just completed the CodeClan course and found nothing more valuable than having a good surrounding of teachers, mentors and people willing to help you learn. Still a novice programmer but willing to help wherever I can!

Skills: html css JS

Donna Zhou (She/Her)

Previously ran Codebar Berlin, now back in sunny Sydney.

Skills: ruby Ruby on Rails

Rob Whittaker (he)

I am looking to offer help and advice with Ruby and Rails. I work for thoughtbot and have many years of web development experience. Want to share and help as much as possible.

Skills: ruby Ruby on Rails javascript React.js React Native Git html css

Eli Schutze (she/her)

Find me @elibelly ! Love to help people get into tech.

Samatar Axmed

Student at Founders and Coders.

Zoe Gagnon

Javascript, Ruby, Command line, version control

Jamie Webb (He/him)

Software developer at The Guardian.

Skills: javascript html css React python

neil patel (he/him)

Self-taught web developer Currently Alexa Skills developer. Building voice-based applications. Would love to help out junior developers from diverse backgrounds.

Skills: ruby rails html css HAML Git Bootstrap Alexa Skils javascript heroku TDD

Khalid .

I am a long-term hobbyist, Ex-Software Engineer at a FAANG company, Recurse Center Alumni (Fall, 2015). I took a sabbatical for personal development and travelling. I'd love to help to mentor in order to give back to the community.

Skills: Full-Stack JavaScript functional programming Game Development java python distributed systems

Charlie Egan

I'm a junior Ruby developer that's recently moved to London. I tutored with Codebar the last two summers (2014, 2015) while I was on internship. I've also done demonstrating at my university for computer science courses and Code First Girls.

Skills: ruby rails Git heroku/hosting

Simon Douglas

Currently a Junior Developer with Tesco Bank after graduating from CodeClan's 16 week course. I'm looking to join in with helping at codebar to share in my enthusiasm for all things tech and code related.

Mark Woodbridge

I'm the co-founder of a tech startup but also help out with a voluntary one-on-one numeracy/literacy project. Keen to help anyone who's interested in empowering themselves via technology!

Skills: python javascript HTML/CSS

Alexander Kustov (he)

To put it simply an Orphist... to be more precise an entrepreneur, to better describe it I believe in advancing technology for humanity every day, by helping innovation teams building tech products.

Skills: ruby css html javascript

Noemi Lapresta (she/her)

My name is Noemi and I have worked as a software developer and QA engineer. I can assist in questions regarding software development, software architecture and testing strategies. My day-to-day work is in Ruby, but I am also confident in Python or Go.

Pablo Brasero (he/him)

Full stack web developer

Skills: ruby python javascript Linux Databases SQL Ember

Martin Briano (he/him)

I'm a Software Engineer from UBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires). I moved to Barcelona in 2013 to do a Master in Security and High performance computing. Now I'm running the BCN office of Lemonade software development, a Belgium company.

Skills: java html css programming testing DB coaching training organising stuff roller skating acrobatics Actor (a long time ago)

Kelvin Smith (he/him/his)

I'm a software developer with a preference for Ruby and Elixir. Working for Cultivate in Edinburgh.

Skills: functional programming | OOP | typescript | javascript | elixir |ruby | testing / TDD

stephen kenny

Location based mobile, database (SQL & NoSQL), some web services & thin client desktop. I'm the ex-CTO at Betfair, Property Investment Market trading exchange, Stocknet online stock trading, Education Support systems (Archimedies 1980s & 90s),etc.

Keomony Khun (She)

I am ex-developer, currently a home maker for 4 years trying to get back to work. I am trying learn to code again. I am looking for a safe environment to start.

Bob Whitelock (he/him)

I've been programming for about 7 years now, using various languages and technologies. Currently I work for Alces Software ( I'd like to help out teaching people and sharing what I know :).

Skills: javascript React Redux python ruby Sinatra rails Linux command line bash Zsh java html css Elm Git SQL vim

Scott Riley (he/him)

I'm a Ruby/Javascript dev, picking up Elixir in my spare time. I was a student at CodeClan a year ago and really enjoy teaching and helping others learn to code.

Raf Mosiolek (he)

I am a self-taught front end developer, working mainly with modern, semantic HTML, SCSS, JavaScript with ES6+ standards and TypeScript. Web Accessibility is my top priority so I will be more than happy to help you build your projects with WCAG standards.

Skills: HTML5 CSS3 javascript Git scss ES6+ TypeScript Web Accessibility WCAG

Brendan Soffientini (him/he)

I can help out in many web-dev/programming areas like Javascript, Ruby, Python, APIs, Git, AWS, etc.

Alex Bazlinton

JavaScript, Java, Ruby, HTML + CSS

Conor Cussell (Mr)

Front end developer mainly working with HTML, CSS, React, GraphQL

Skills: javascript html css node GraphQL

Tara Ojo

I'm a front-end dev, worked with HTML/CSS/JS/SASS/AngularJS

agata krzywda

Love React, Redux and JavaScript

Agata Sumowska (She/her)

Junior developer working with React and C#

Peter Trizuliak (He)

Happy to help with JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS or Node.js

Skills: javascript React html css node.js

Evelyn Utterson (she/her)

I'm a Software Developer and Digital Coach based in Edinburgh. I'm interested in helping others get started and progress their careers in tech.

Skills: ruby Ruby on Rails javascript ReactJS css HTML5

Mark Dessain

Python developer working in finance. Keen to help support and mentor enthusiastic individuals or groups.

Skills: python javascript html css java

Asif Hafeez (he/his)

I am a Full Stack Developer, recently graduated from Makers Academy.

Daniel Quinn

I'd like to help out where I can. I'm a young(ish) white, male, native-english-speaking software engineer with 22 years of professional experience that would like this industry be a lot more diverse. Too many people in my field look like me :-)

Skills: python django Linux Git devops

Stefan Buschmann

Interested in open source, computer graphics, games, and exciting development problems in general. My main programming languages and frameworks are C++, OpenGL, QML, and sometimes node.js. I work as a researcher and lecturer at Potsdam University.

Alex Bokii (she/her)

I am a front-end developer at Oxford Computer Consultants where I build UI with HTML/CSS and Javascript. I started to work with web-technologies a few years ago, and I'd be happy to help people who are interested in this area to pick up new skills.

Skills: html javascript css

Emily Bertwistle (she/her)

I'm a full-stack JavaScript developer, always keen to learn new things :)

Skills: javascript node.js html css

Leke Abolade

iOS Developer at Kin and Carta Create, previously at Makers Academy

Skills: javascript iOS Swift node Firebase

Hasan Ahmed

A passionate Software Developer. Creator of I enjoy sharing my knowledge to new comers.

Skills: HTML5 CSS3 javascript jQuery php wordpress SQL c# ASP.Net MVC Sql Server

Marty Stepien

Junior Developer who pivoted her career from Architecture to Web Development!

Skills: html css javascript TypeScript TDD Angular Photoshop

Chris Cooper (he/him)

I am a soon-to-be graduate of Makers Academy. I would like to sign up as a coach and start contributing to the community!

Jarrod Bennie (He)

Assistant instructor @ CodeClan, Edinburgh.

Skills: JS java ruby c#

Displaying coaches 1-80 of 426 in total