
Here you can find a list of the 3270 volunteers who have coached at codebar.

If you’d like to start coaching at a workshop in person or virtually, read our teaching guide and then join us as a coach. It’s easier than you think!

Naz Malik (he/him)

I'm currently a student at Makers Academy, learning Ruby, JavaScript, HTML and CSS. and loving it. I'd be happy to work on anything - right now just keen to learn as much as possible and teach whatever I can.

Anita Woodruff (She/her)

I like coaching and want to get better at it. I did a Computer Science & Maths degree as a mature student and since graduating I worked as an Android developer at SwiftKey for 2 years and as a Software Engineer at Google for 4 years. I mainly write Java.

Skills: java Android python javascript html css

Gil Goncalves (he/him)

I've mentored at a DJango Girls before and I spent many hours at a coder dojo to teach kids how to code. I love teaching and helping people!

Skills: python

Ashwini Mani

Recent Makers Academy Graduate who loves to teach Ruby and Javascript. I believe that teaching is the best way to learn about the subject and also about oneself.

Brent Atkins (he)

I have been coding for around the last 12 years, primarily .NET and JS, and complaining about lack of diversity in industry for nearly as long.

Joe Clark (he/him)

I'm a Javascript (and associated tech) developer, looking to come and support Codebar. I used to mentor at CoderDojo in Brighton.

Skills: javascript html css node.js java

Angel Ramirez

CSS style, BEM, Angular and Rails pretty new to react.

Win Dalmijn

Assist people with frontend and backend support. Fullstack developer at HelloFresh.

Skills: ReactJS AngularJS ruby php Symfony

Michael Bell (he)

Front End Development Responsive Web Design

Stef Vaessen (he/him)

Backend Developer at HelloFresh building microservices in Python and Go.

Alex Jukes (he/him)

3 year experienced full stack engineer at Xenzone, focused on building high quality software to help young people and adults with their mental wellbeing. In my spare time I like to write and do Tai Chi :)

Skills: javascript node React css html GraphQL REST

Micaela Rava (she/her)

i am looking forward to improve my mentoring/knowledge sharing skills and also being able to do this in an inclusive environment.i'd be comfortable talking about frontend stack: html/css/javascript! also design related topics like layouting, color, type.

Colin Turner (He/him)

I've been teaching myself to code for the last 9 months. Most recently I've been doing a course (almost finished) in web development at Makers Academy. My interest is helping to teach those would like to code and need help getting started.

Joe Dickinson (he/his)

I've been working as a Ruby developer for about 2.5 years. I'm most comfortable teaching people the basics of OO programming, data structures and how to conceptualise things to do with coding.

Andrew Porter

Linux sysadmin/engineer

Michael Cleary

I'm primarily a ruby on rails developer with some experience of ember and other js frameworks

Jonathan Tsang

I currently work at pivotal on cloud architecture software. I have worked on rails projects in the past.

Skills: ruby golang TDD

Joey Scott

I am a graduate of Founders & Coders bootcamp, like using JavaScript and Node.js!

Jaspar Gupta (He/him)

To contribute to the ever growing tech community, meet new people and support a friend. Been working commercially as a professional developer for 2 years now, have worked with some amazing technologies like MongoDB and some awesome modern frameworks.

Jev Belikov

I am a researcher with a focus on Distributed Systems and Parallelism in Programming Languages and a certified Software Carpentry instructor.

Duncan Garmonsway

I use code to help government govern. Scientists, historians, everyone can write code to think faster and better.

Skills: R

Albert Fernández Marsal

I love programming. It's my job and my passion.

Carolina Martinez

Python coach. It is my first experience as a programming coach.

Jose R. Garcia

PhD in Parallel Computing, UAB Currently backend developer at King

Tor Harrington

I am an IT professional with over 10 years of experience working with a broad range of technologies and projects such as client server, integrations, web development, bits of mobile, dev ops, etc. I have worked for private and public enterprises & startup

Skills: html css JS SQL VB c c# php analysis ux infrastructure

Henrique Alves

I like to share knowledge and empower people. I have done workshops, talks at conferences and meetups.

Skills: Front-end javascript React

Martin McNickle

Head of Engineering at Float. I've really enjoyed the mentoring that I've done as part of my job. I've also grown more and more frustrated at the lack of diversity in the industry and I'm looking to help with that.

Skills: ruby Ruby on Rails python django JS vue.js React postgres redis heroku AWS html css

Ellen Schallig (she/her)

Astrophysics PhD student Python python python and hardware things

Marco Alabruzzo (he)

Been in web development since 2010, the technology that I like/know most are JS (ES6 with react, vanilla but also the old jQuery) and Python (mostly Django but also flask).

James Weaver

Coach from

Skills: Swift iOS javascript php

John Smith (he/him/they)

Coach at

Jamie Lui

I found it fun coaching and it was a fun night. I am a java developer professionally.

Skills: java

David Kelley

Happy to answer questions, help people understand their code and drink beer!

Skills: ruby javascript AWS python php

Ramzi Ramzi (He him)

Computer Science teacher and graduate, Python I enjoy most. Have developed a webapp using JavaScript, HTML, CSS.

Matt Lubel

I am a fullstack javascript developer who loves learning new technologies and helping other enthusiastic coders on the road to building cool things!

Skills: javascript node.js python

Rich Taylor

Front end, middle tier and back end things.

Hugo Jobling

Mostly harmless

Skills: Computers

Guillaume Marceau (he)

Hi Codebar, I just met Kim at Brooklyn Roaster in Brooklyn and she told me about Professionally, I am technical lead which means I coach engineers for a living. Previous, I was with studying how to best teach programming.

Daniela Huppenkothen (she/her)

I'd like to coach students in Python. I write open-source scientific software (all in Python) both for my job (data analysis of scientific data) and in my spare time, and I love teaching.

Larry Williamson (He)

Full stack engineer, I.T. generalist and Creative Technologist. I can build a computer, fix IRQ conflicts, rewire your network, design, deploy, develop, etc. According to others, I am a "wizard."

Patricia Carbajal (she)

I'm a front end developer at a startup called Kinnek. I work with javascript, html and css on a daily basis. I also studied and worked with ruby on rails, although I haven't looked at it in a while:)

Skills: javascript Angular React Ruby on Rails html css

ira santiago (she/her)

I'm currently a Developer and Work & Co and I want to help get more women into coding! I taught an intro to HTML/CSS workshop similar to the one provided by codebar and was able to get a couple of women interested enough to try to enter the field! :D

Tom Russell

Ruby, Rails, Devops, JS (some react, some angular). Bash scripting, anything else I can!

Betty Naudeer (she)

small amount of knowledge in various languages

Edwin Toh

I'm a web developer working at Work & Co. I used to part time lecture at a tertiary institute in Singapore. Passionate about imparting knowledge and web!

Rodrigo Senra (He)

Brazilian, married with a 4 ys-old newborn baby, 20 years in the software, loves to teach

Skills: python

Diego Frata (he)

Full-stack dev with over 14 years of experience. I have done it all: e-commerce, internet banking, social apps, real-time trading engines, sports betting, ML/AI... you name it! Expert in C# but proficient in many other languages.

Skills: c# F# html css TypeScript Angular python javascript SQL Git

Simona Cotin (she/her)

I am a developer advocate at Microsoft and previously worked as a full stack developer with Angular and Java. Enjoyed mentoring at organisations like women who code or ngGirls and started speaking at conferences in 2016.

Pedro Chambino

I am a Software Developer from Portugal with 4 years of work experience and recently joined carwow. I am interested in improving my English and coaching skills, and help someone get started in coding. I have coached on a RailsGirls event once in Porto.

Julia López (she/her/they)

I've been working as a developer since 2008 but I started doing websites way before that! I feel inspired by people that want to learn coding and I love teaching and coaching them.

Skills: rails Git github html css javascript

Bill Glover (he, him)

Technology Architect / Mentor – always learning. I'm not a developer by trade but love to tinker, hack and explore technology. Overcoming frustration and discovering something new is an experience well worth sharing.

Skills: Go Systems Design devops APIs monitoring Observability SRE

Martyn Hoyer

Front end engineer at Ticketmaster, specialising in HTML, CSS, accessibility and usability.

Skills: html css accessibility usability

Meggan Turner

I've done a little bit of tutoring as a Teacher's Assistant at General Assembly, so I'm quite comfortable teaching the basics of HTML, CSS & JavaScript. I'd love to use my skills to help bring more underrepresented people into the tech community! (:

Skills: html css javascript

Harini Janakiraman

I am a Senior Software Engineer working on building large scale data engineering solutions and realtime data streaming platforms. Would love to mentor and coach students.

Felix Brann (he/his)

I'm a 31 year old professional software developer. I've been coding since I was 13. I want to do some volunteering and I like the idea of being able to use my skills to help someone. I like teaching people stuff.

Ben Buchanan (he/him/they)

I make some bits of the web.

Skills: html css javascript accessibility bash Shell

Naomi Meyer (she/her/they)

I am a Web Developer who loves learning new technologies, thinking through complex puzzles, and building innovate tech tools that benefit people around the world.

Maurizio Folcini

Android development

Katie Peterson

Hi, I am Katie. I have recently graduated from General Assembly's web development immersive course in Sydney and I start work at Thoughtworks in a few weeks. I love learning and teaching people how to code.

Zee Zali (he)

I'd love to contribute to the Codebar initiative and help people that are keen to learn programming. I could help out with the HTML, CSS and JS tutorials. I'm an Interface Developer, currently working at Ansarada.

Nicole McCabe (she/her)

Software Engineer at 8th Light.

Piotr Zielinski

I'd like to share my 20+ years of coding experience and get people enthusiastic about the possibilities programming has to offer.

Skills: c# SQL javascript html css python php ruby PowerShell AWS software architecture

Jonathan Sharpe (he/him)

I am currently a senior software engineer at Pivotal Labs in London. I have previously attended a Codebar unconference.

Paul Jones (He/they)

I'm a software engineer with a focus on infrastructure as code and distributed systems. I've been a professional software engineer for 5 years, and would love to share what I've learnt and give something back to the community.

Skills: kubernetes istio docker python java golang Go

Jennifer Georgevich (they/them/theirs)

I used to teach full stack web development at App Academy and enjoyed it. I'd like to be a resource for people learning how to code.

Alessandro Simi (he/him)

I'm a software engineer with almost 10 years of working experience. I worked with Java, Scala and various web and cloud technologies and I would like to share my knowledge to everybody would like to take it.

Skills: java Scala javascript css html SQL

Geoffrey Chong

I want to work on my teaching ability. I've developed brochure sites for small to large companies using HTML/CSS/JS, worked on large scale React applications as well as designed UI/UX for startups.

Alison Barnett (she/her)

Ex-CodeClan, working in Ruby on Rails/ ionic /Angular apps (and a bit of Sass and Go) for 15 months, happy to try anything new but if I can help out as a coach would be good to start off with one of these.

Róbert Papp

6+ years of Android, lots of Java/Web before; currently at Trainline. I've actively contributed to Glide (Android image lib) for 3 years & dealt with user questions/issues. Personal projects:

Skills: Android java html css kotlin javascript c# regex c c++ Git node.js

Izzy Harris (she)

have reasonable knowledge of python and ruby, enough to teach a beginner. only a little bit of javascript. trying to work on learning HTML/CSS

Ten-Young Guh (he/him)

Python, Command Line, Git (only if short of volunteers, JavaScript) For the 2016-2017 year, I tutored at Landmark High School for ScriptEd! We taught basic web development (HTML/CSS/JavaScript with jQuery) to an under-resourced high school.

Harriet Ryder (she)

Hi! I'm a software engineer working in JavaScript, NodeJS, React, AWS, Ruby & Rails. I currently coach tech at Tech Returners, a free 15 week course for people looking to get into tech after a career break, & also love yoga, running and foreign language

Skills: javascript React Git command line html css AWS ruby rails

Dan Strong (he)

I'm a DevOps engineer, do cloudy stuff, AWS, networking, Terraform. I have decent Python and I'm interested in functional programming (maths background you see). Oh, and I have a vague understanding of how git actually works.

Skills: python Linux bash terraform TCP/IP docker Git

Callum Michael (he/him)

Recovering teacher. Now developer.

Skills: python java ruby html css React javascript

Kamil Wojtczyk (he)

Full-stack JS development

David Marland (he/him)

I am a full stack Web Developer at Bloomberg, covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript (including Node/React) and PHP. I started 15 years ago copy/pasting bits of script. I'm a fan of Information Architecture and love talking URLs.

Cameron Moss (he)

I work with Elixir and React-Native mostly. I am self-taught, but enjoy the challenge of trying to teach what I wasn't taught.

Skills: javascript React Angular react-native html css Elixir ruby python java c# SQL GraphQL

Displaying coaches 321-400 of 426 in total